If you work, you have to pay tax. HMRC takes a cut of everything you earn. That’s a fact of life.
But what if you receive money or some other valuable asset as a gift, without having to shed a drop of sweat for it? Will HMRC make like Scrooge and force you to pay tax on that too? Or is some — or all of your gift — tax-free?
What does HMRC count as a gift?
Before we dive into the specifics, let’s clarify what HMRC means by ‘gift.’
A gift can be anything you receive that has value. This includes:
- Money
- A car, jewellery or other possessions
- Property
- A loss in value. So, if your parents own a house that has a market value of £170,000 and they sell it to you for £150,000, the £20,000 they lose on the sale counts as a gift.
Do I have to pay taxes when I receive a gift?
Well, there’s good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news. You don’t have to pay income tax on gifts (though you may have to pay income tax on any interest your gift earns). The bad news is that you may have to pay inheritance tax when the person who made the gift passes away.
This isn’t a given. You may be able to avoid paying inheritance tax. However, to do this, it’s important to make sure any gifts you receive are in line with HMRC’s rules.
Let’s go over them.
How much money can I receive without paying tax?
There’s no set amount. It depends on whether the person who made the gift followed HMRC’s rules.
The general rule is that you can gift up to £3,000 tax-free each tax year. HMRC calls this the annual exemption. Any gifts that fall within the annual exemption don’t attract inheritance tax.

Working out if inheritance tax is due: Example 1
Let’s say you receive £4,000 as a gift from one of your parents. They gave you £2,000 in March 2017 and £2,000 in May 2018.
Unfortunately, your parent passes away in September 2018.
The UK tax year runs between 6 April and 5 April. This means you received the two gifts in different tax years. At, £2,000, the two gifts are lower than the annual exemption of £3,000. So, you don’t have to pay inheritance tax on this amount.
Working out if inheritance tax is due: Example 2
Now, let’s say one of your parents gave you a gift of £4,000 all at one go, on the 7 April 2018.
£4,000 is more than the annual exemption of £3,000. So, once they pass away, you’ll have to pay inheritance tax on this amount.
Can I carry the annual exemption forward?
Yes. Gift-givers can carry forward any unused part of their annual exemption to the following tax year. This means, someone could gift you up to £6,000 in a single tax year and you won’t have to pay inheritance tax on it when they’re gone.
However, you can only carry forward an unused annual exemption once. If you don’t use the exemption you carried forward within the following year, you’ll lose it.
Carrying an annual exemption forward: Example
Let’s say your uncle didn’t gift anything to anyone in the 2018/2019 tax year. As a result, he can carry forward his entire £3,000 exemption to the following year.
This means that, in 2019/2020, he could gift you £6,000 tax-free.
But if in 2019/2020 he doesn’t gift you anything either, he’ll lose the £3,000 he carried forward from 2018/2019.
That said, he can carry forward the unused £3,000 from 2019/2020. So, in 2020/2021, he could once again gift you up to £6,000 tax-free.
Can I receive any other gifts tax-free?
Yes. Aside from the £3,000 annual exemption, the following gifts are also exempt from inheritance tax:
Gifts to your spouse
You and your spouse or civil partner can gift each other as much money as you like, tax-free, during your lifetime. The only condition is that you must both live permanently in the UK.
This applies unless:
- You separated and did not live together at all in that tax year
- You gave them goods for their business to sell on
Wedding gifts
You can receive
- up to £5,000 from your parents
- up to £2,500 from your grandparents or great-grandparents
- up to £1,000 from a relative or friend
For the exemption to hold, you must receive the gift before your wedding. And, you won’t be surprised to hear, the wedding has to actually take place. You can’t pocket the cash and play runaway bride (or groom).