Automatic mileage tracking that works

Accurate mileage reports. Stress-free logging. On your desktop. In the palm of your hand.
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Automatic mileage tracking that works

Meet the world’s leading mileage tracker

Meet the world’s leading mileage tracker


Frequent Drives


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Accurate mileage reports. Stress-free logging. On your desktop. In the palm of your hand.
As a tax professional, I recommend this app often to new and seasoned business owners regularly. The IRS requires logs for mileage and this solves the tedious task of noting things in pen and paper format. Automatic reports sent at the end of the month.
* $5.99 billed monthly

Team Management

Manage your entire team from a single dashboard. Set custom rates, set up automatic report reminders, deduct commute miles — streamline your reimbursement process in a way that works best for you.
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Multiple Admins

Managing lots of drivers? Add multiple admins to your account. Each admin can access their team's drives and reports as well as add/remove drivers and approve or reject drives. And don’t worry because your admins can also be drivers.

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Commute Mileage

Make sure employees are not counting their commute toward mileage reimbursements. Set a company-wide commute mileage and MileIQ will automatically deduct those miles from any drives classified as Business + Commute. 

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Custom Mileage Rates

MileIQ updates standard mileage rates when they’re published by the HMRC, so you never have to worry about staying compliant. You can also set your own mileage reimbursement rate if it differs from the HMRC standards. 

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Report Reminders

Have you ever spent the end of your week chasing down employees for their mileage reports? Gain time back in your day with Report Reminders that notify drivers their reports are due so you don’t waste time chasing and nagging.

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Automatic Reports

Take advantage of Automatic Reports to get a weekly report of all business drives right in your inbox. Drivers don’t have to remember to submit anything — it just happens. 

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Streamlined Billing

Get one bill that pays for every driver. Pay securely once every month or every year and streamline your billing.

Try MileIQ for Teams

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1 month free trial
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Easy onboarding
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Simple billing