Are you a self-employed scribe? Though it may not always seem like it when you're crouched over a keyboard cranking out content, your words can be worth their weight in gold if you know which tax deductions to claim. Keep reading for a list of ten unmissable tax deductions for writers.
Self-Employment Tax
Being a self-employed writer makes you eligible for the self-employment tax deduction. Your eligibility means you can reduce your taxable income by the employer-equivalent portion (i.e., half) of your self-employment taxes. Self-employment tax includes both Social Security and Medicare tax. For example, paying $1,000 in self-employment tax would reduce your income subject to tax by $500. Reducing your taxable income lowers your overall tax liability.
Office Space
Enjoying casual Friday every day isn't the only perk of being a work-from-home wordsmith. You can also deduct the costs of your home office in one of two ways. You can deduct a certain dollar amount per square foot of your office up to a specified square footage through the simplified method. Or, you can deduct a percentage of the real costs of the home office through the traditional manner.
From a personal computer to a desk, you'll have to fork over a pretty penny on office equipment for your writing business. You can offset these expenditures by depreciating them - that is, deducting the costs in a single year or over a period of years.
Health Insurance
It might not cure your writer's block, but getting health insurance is a must for penmen and women of all ages. Fortunately, self-employed writers can deduct 100 percent of the premiums they pay for medical, dental and vision insurance.
Hired Help
Ernest Hemingway once said, "The only kind of writing is rewriting." If you are fortunate enough to have the resources to hire in-house or contract editors or proofreaders to aid in the rewriting process, you can deduct their wages. You can also reduce your income by any tax-deductible hiring expenses, from recruitment to job fair expenses.