MileIQ: Mileage Tracker & Log

MileIQ Inc.

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Small Business Tips

Approve Drives with a Click

MileIQ Team

Tackling tedious mileage tasks rarely feels like a good use of time. And few mileage tasks take more precious minutes than approving drives for reimbursement — checking drive routes, calculating mileage in a spreadsheet, signing off on reimbursement amounts… 😪

But “tackling tedious mileage tasks” is practically our middle name, which is why we took on the challenge of making approvals simple, fast, easy, and dare we say, even a little fun.

Download MileIQ to start tracking your drives

Automatic, accurate mileage reports.

Turning hours of admin work into a matter of minutes

Approving drives for reimbursement involves a whole set of tiny steps that add up to hours of work. For most admins that means opening a bunch of PDFs, typing addresses into Google Maps to verify routes, and painfully calculating mileage with a calculator or a formula.

We took all the information (driver’s name, dates, verified routes, total mileage and reimbursement amounts) that an admin would usually need to track down themselves and put it in one spot — all you need to do is click on a drive row in the Drives to approve tab and then select ✅ to approve or 🚫 to reject.

Download MileIQ to start tracking your drives

Automatic, accurate mileage reports.

That’s hours (and in some cases, days) of tedious busywork saved for better things.

Making mileage payments fair and square

It’s easy to miss a drive or count a double when you have a bunch of PDFs open. The Drives tab reduces these mishaps by giving admins a bird’s eye view of their team’s mileage. You can filter drives by time period (like the past month) or driver, or both! That way you can see every drive a team member submitted in a certain time period, making it that much harder to accidentally count a drive twice.

Faster approvals = faster reimbursements & happier drivers

Once you’re done with approving drives, you can download reports (with approved drives only!) and pass them on to accounting right away. That means your accounting department gets accurate mileage reports for reimbursement and drivers get paid on schedule.