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What Are the Best Travel Jobs to See the World?

Rebecca Rustin
The busy streets of southeast Asia

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Travelling doesn't need to be expensive or scary. In fact, it can be quite safe and cheap! And with the right job, you can even combine work and travel.     Keep reading to find out more about what kinds of jobs are best suited to a nomadic lifestyle and travelling the world.    

Don't Wait Until Retirement to Travel the World

   Some people figure they will travel when they retire. Others dream of winning the lottery so that they can explore the world. Both of these mindsets revolve around the idea that you need money to get around, or that you need to be rich to go on vacation. As Rolf Potts underscores in his book Vagabonding - this isn't necessarily true. In fact, retirement isn't always the best phase of life to travel. For the simple reason of ageing, we tend to want more creature comforts, which can make seeing new places less enjoyable and more expensive.     Even if you're not good at saving money, if you are relatively young, you are wealthy in context of time. In other words, if travelling is on your bucket list, why wait to see the world?    

How can you travel with little to no money?

   One of the most liberating ways to work while travelling the world is to be a self-employed, digital nomad. The consensus usually entails running a business and being the boss while you live in a foreign city or jump around from place to place.     Any work you can do from a computer will make this possible. If you're not sure what you can do to cultivate this kind of lifestyle, think of some of the transferable skills you might already have.    

Digital Nomad Jobs You Can Do from Anywhere

Are you good at art? Are you a gifted writer? Do you know how to edit videos? Here's a list of digital nomad jobs you can do from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer and a reliable wireless connection!    

Online Tutor

   Just because you're busy touring the world doesn't mean you can't act as someone's rock when it comes to helping them succeed. Are you good at math or languages? Have you completed a university course that typically gives people trouble? If so, you can start an online tutoring business and stay in touch with your students over Skype and e-mail.    

Freelance Writer, Editor, or Translator

   If you have writing skills, you can offer freelance language services from anywhere in the world. Ideally, you'll want to make sure you have at least one steady client who will be sending you work each week, but your work can also come from a wide range of sources.    

Canada passport and documents

   Getting established as a writer, editor or translator can be tough, as these industries are highly competitive. Many sources suggest getting your start on bidding sites like Upwork, Fiverr, or     However, a more useful approach might be to get hired as an in-house language consultant first and then convince your boss to let you freelance with assurances that the quality of your work remains high. In these industries, the key to success involves doing a good job and making yourself indispensable to your clients.    


   While this might seem not far off from the "freelance writer" job category mentioned above, we found that writing a personal blog is a bit different. Initially, this involves choosing a niche and building a brand. After finishing the first step, you can start creating content, ideally about a topic that fascinates and inspires you.    You probably won't make much money from your blog at first. But, once you've built a strong following, you can start selling advertising or make money through affiliate links and sponsorship posts. Having a successful blog can be very lucrative, and can allow you to travel the world while you work - especially if you have a travel blog!    

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Web Developer

   If you like building websites, this one's for you. As time wears on, more and more businesses are doing the bulk of their transactions online. For this to work, these companies need websites.     Some web developers charge a lot of money to code websites from scratch, but you can also earn a living by developing websites using platforms like Squarespace and WordPress.    

Artist or Graphic Designer

   Being a graphic designer often goes hand-in-hand with web development work, but this isn't necessarily the case. If you're good at art, you might be able to sell your work to magazines (either online or in print) and media companies.     You can also make money designing logos or creating printable posters you can sell on Etsy. All you need is an eye for design, your computer, and maybe a couple of design programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.    

Video or Sound Editor

   As more and more companies focus on creating online content, they are also looking for freelancers who can help them create and edit videos. Companies need these services to advertise their products and communicate with their audience.If you know your way around video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer or Final Cut Pro, offering your services as a freelance video editor could be the way to go.    

Vagabond Jobs that will Allow you to Travel the World

   There is another job category that will give you a reason and a way to travel, colloquially known as "vagabond jobs." Yes, the term "vagabond" typically conjures images of a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job. However, you can reclaim this term by adopting a nomadic lifestyle that supports itself.     Here are a few "vagabond jobs" you might consider adopting to support your wanderlust.    

English Teacher

   If you've always dreamed of exploring Eastern Europe, Asia, South America, or parts of the Middle East, teaching English as a second language can get you there.     If Asia is your dream destination, there is a large market for this type of work in South Korea. You can consult this source from the Canadian government). Furthermore, you might want to explore teaching English in Japan (check out the Jet Programme) or China (check out Oxford Seminars).     According to, the most lucrative markets for teaching English in 2018 include the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Of course, you can expect to make more money with the more education you have.     Indeed, you need a TESL certificate for a lot of English teaching jobs, so look into certification programs before you apply! Luckily, many are available online.    

closeup of push pins on roadmap route

Hostel Worker

   If you don't want to be bound by a traditional school schedule, you should know that youth hostels sometimes hire travellers for short-term work.     According to, this can involve working at the front desk, bartending or cleaning. Some hostels pay their workers, while others will reward you with a free place to sleep. Bartering can be a great way to save on lodging if you are relying on limited income to finance your travels.    

WWOOF Organization Worker

   WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. If you are passionate about agriculture or want to learn more about farming and sustainable living while you explore the world, websites like can link you with organic farmers and growers that you can work for in exchange for room and board.     There are WWOOF organizations all around the globe, so if you're looking to make a difference and meet new people, woofing can be an excellent springboard to living a more nomadic lifestyle.    

What are the Best Jobs that Allow you to Travel?

   The best travelling job is one that you're good at and that you like to do. If you have yet to hone your skills, the vagabond jobs mentioned above will allow you to meet people while you explore new parts of the world.     Thus, if you are already working as a freelancer or small business owner, finding a way to take your work on the road with you can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience.     If you have a burning desire to travel, but you're still unsure how to go about it, you might need a bit of inspiration.     In a recent interview with Tim Ferriss, Rolf Potts suggests doing a simple Google search for your age and demographics to find other people like you who are travelling the world. Seeing how others approach a nomadic lifestyle will inspire you to do the same. Bonus points for people who manage to sustain a profitable freelance business on-the-go.     Finally, Potts recommends focusing on what you have and what you can do, instead of on what you don't have and what you can't do. Accordingly, you might find that your resources are much more abundant than you initially thought!