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Small Business Tips

Creating online content IS networking

Dayna Steele
Illustration of successful woman with a laptop writing or editing a text

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Wonder Husband has always said I don’t collect things, but I do collect people all over the world. Sometimes I do it without even knowing it has happened. I also spend a good deal of my time creating content – social media, daily tips, podcasts, videos and blog posts – all usually having to do with one of The Rock Star Principles of Success: passion, knowledge, networking or appreciation.

Several years ago, I wrote yet another blog post somewhere on the world wide web (I write for a lot of sites including my own) about the importance of networking and what makes for successful networking. In the piece, I apparently cited one of my mantras about networking.

Everything you get to do in life and every success is because you knew the right person. And the things you don’t get to do? Well, you didn’t have the right person in your network.

Son 2.0 was looking over my shoulder in an airport somewhere in the world as I was writing that blog post. Being on the edge of teenage smart-assery and sarcasm most of his waking hours, he smirked and exclaimed, “I just successfully drank this bottle of water. What does that have to do with networking?” Wavering between leaving him behind wherever we were in the world or ignoring him, I simply replied, “You better know someone with a bathroom in about two hours.”

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Whatever it was I was writing that day was read by FIRST Network’s Managing Director Charlotte Windebank and she, in turn, shared the post with her staff and members. FIRST Network is a network of Northern England services connecting young people, professionals, and startups, which stresses the importance of networking and relationships in pursuit of success. It seems my content went on to become lessons for their members and has been for the last six years!

With a worldwide pandemic giving so much of us so much extra time in our lives, Charlotte took advantage of that and reached out to me to say:

Every networking presentation that the team and I do starts with one of your quotes, “Almost every success you have in life and business is because the right person is in your network.” I then ask the students to take note of your name and watch/read your impressive and action-focused online content.

Over the years, we have shared your quote with approximately 6,000 aspiring entrepreneurs. I just wanted to let you know how many people you have inspired from our little place in the world.

I hope you and your network are OK in these times. We are sending big thanks and admiration from across the pond.

That is one of the best messages I think I have ever received, and I immediately replied with appreciation. That led to a short conversation, which led to me doing a Zoom mini keynote for their members.

The short version of this story? Content I created years ago just added dozens of new like-minded people to my worldwide network.

The moral of this story? Create content every day and let you and your expertise shine. You never know who you might be helping and who your new friends will be.